The information below relates to Cashculator version 1.x, NOT Cashculator 2.

Cashculator 2 doesn't save backups itself since it's a document-based application. Please make sure you keep a backup yourself, either with Time Machine, or by keeping the file in Dropbox, for example.

In some rare cases, the Cashculator database can become corrupted, causing Cashculator to crash on launch or show other messages related to the database. In this case, you may want to restore a previous version of the database from an automatic backup file (your backup, such as Time Machine, or Cashculator's own backup files), or just delete the Cashculator database entirely (if it doesn't hold any valuable data).

These actions can be achieved by following the steps below:

  1. If Cashculator launches, open its Help menu and select "Show Database File in Finder" as in the screenshot below. If Cashculator casn't be launched, skip to Step 3 to locate the database manually.

  2. Quit Cashculator and skip to Step 5

  3. Cashculator database file and backups are located in one of the following folders unless you defined a different folder for it in Cashculator preferences. The ~ denotes your home folder :

    • ~/Library/Application Support/cashculator/
    • ~/Library/Application Support/cashculatorfree/
    • ~/Library/Containers/com.apparentsoft.cashculatorfree/Data/Library/Application Support/cashculator/
    • ~/Library/Containers/com.apparentsoft.cashculator/Data/Library/Application Support/cashculator/
  4. If you don't see your ~/Library folder in Finder (it's hidden by default), you can navigate to the target folder by pressing Cmd-Shift-G in Finder to open the Go To Folder dialog and pasting the folder path there, for example: ~/Library/Containers/com.apparentsoft.cashculatorfree/Data/Library/Application Support/cashculator/
  5. The file named "CCDB" is your Cashculator database file. 

    If you have Time Machine backup, select the file and start Time Machine. If it has backups of the file, select one that's from the time that you want to restore and restore from Time Machine. Then launch Cashculator and see if it works well with all the expected data. If all is ok, stop here.
    If it's still not working, delete the CCDB file in this folder (or move it to another folder just in case) and continue.

  6. If you don't have a backup or would like to start from a clean database, just skip this step.
    If you'd like to restore from Cashculator's own backup, take the latest backup file from "Backups" folder and copy it to the same location where the CCDB file that you have just deleted, was located. Rename the backup file to "CCDB", removing the time of the backup from the file name. Click here to watch an example video where the file is renamed and a backup copy is copied and renamed for use.

  7. Launch Cashculator - you should see the data from the latest backup now (or a clean database in case you have just deleted it without restoring from backup)

  8. If this backup is also corrupted you can try an earlier one. Cashculator keeps backup files of 30 most recent launches of the app.

  9. If nothing helps, contact us again for more help.